“NORMality in the ligt of madnes and atechnitisdtcal logic with th fREIDIAN prmary prcess (lust principle, narcissm)” CHAOSMKIOS; SVHIZOPHREIC HETEREGONESE (cor edignos theory – “Psycvhopathlogy of everday life,calistoc marke economy. money allk around their brains). | drhwenk

#Spinoza Buddha EnLIGHT²ment, ETERNITY perspective, noble education,  for EVERYbody by absolute certain  more gemertico proofs: UNDSRSTANDING  #Spinoza "ETHIC" (Gueeroult, MATHRON; MOREAU - the following by Dr. nat. H. Wenk , myself  )  - YES, this has been represd by the "ESTABLISHMENTS", CHRIDSTIANITY FIRST,  up to now! ("we VICTORIANs") FOUCAULT

NORMality in the ligt of madnes and atechnitisdtcal logic with th fREIDIAN prmary prcess (lust principle, narcissm)” CHAOSMKIOS; SVHIZOPHREIC HETEREGONESE (cor edignos theory – “Psycvhopathlogy of everday life,calistoc marke economy. money allk around their brains). | drhwenk


 NORMality in the ligt of madnes and atechnitisdtcal logic with th fREIDIAN prmary prcess (lust principle, narcissm)” CHAOSMKIOS; SVHIZOPHREIC HETEREGONESE (cor edignos theory – “Psycvhopathlogy of everday life” Freud,calistoc marke economy. money allk around their brains). nO AFTERlife ETRNITY PERPECTIVE – SUB:LLIMATION dienied “Unpleasue in thr culture” Freud, “life issufferuing” Buddha firdsnoble Truth!) !

#Spinoza Electrical (“That’s life-dead²³, body-mind³ DIFFRENCE!) Turn: ELCTROMmagnetical² FIELD² Theory is: MATERIALISTIC DIALECTICS – of limtation (“Omnis determinati negatio est MRX “DAS KAPITAL” #Spinoza cite) UNDER PRESSURE: TENSORanaylsis (the academical mathematical phyiscs. ELCTRIFICATION plus SOVIET POWER! (1917ff: How come around EINSTEIN?! SOVIETfall 1990) : nerve-weighting-machine (²³”Nervenwaage” Artaud – TANTRAsex! instzead of PSYCHITRY for thw cerebellum asoocisation soma-psycholgy, “Eyes of the mind”² “(Augen des Geist”Es” #Spinoza to “ETRNITY REGARD” (constant ALL²knowledge THEORY, infinte INTELLECT PART -PANpsychism with GRAVITXY “VEIL OF THE MAYA”; DARWINS PRSSUEREOF T SURVIVAL OF TH FI
TTEST;MATHMTICAL_PHYSICAL²; ECONMICAL WORK² VALUE (ACTIO=REACTIO; MUsccles, Brain). THr goddes JUTSICIA is BLIND and has a dress. PRESENCE is GRAVIATIONAL “j(L)UST like a woman” Dylna namly “Gorsl JUST wann hav fun” Lauper) ! !


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