EnLIGHT²ment: #Spinoza ElectricalTurn: ETERNALY; THEORETICALLY MERGING WORLD CULTURE HERITAGE: MONISTC NATURALISTIC ABSOLUTE RATIONALISM: The inverse Square Law GRAVTAION (excvlusivly fot suns, celesatcial bodies MOVEMENTS) for LIGHT – could be seen!! as irredcible qualiy(double INDEX SUI TRUTH meaning!!) – ATTRIBUTES-modes expressining EXTESIONALLY (PhYSICally) and PSYCHICally in the PHOTONS!, Electrical magnetical POTETIAL FIELDS ist #Spinoza’s more gemerico for the infinite (“unbounded”) UNIVRERS vector FORCE FIELDS (i nt EUCLEUDAN VACUUM -JACOBI IDETOI fromLIE ALGEBRA “sophscated” matahaical up to:”no theoretical limits” ) .THE INFINTE INTELLCT – the ALL²knowledge of the ALL²nature(BRAHMAN; SAT), ONTOLOGY is a “PSYCHIC” unvisverum FIELD too8 no”intctin oft psyxvhic -extensinal fields -diffgentfrom morphogenertics FIELDs??!! – REPRESSED by GRAVATION as “VEILS OF MAYA” which is DARWINS pressure of SELERCTIOIN TOO; leading to NOT ELECTOchemical life FORCE – dead unvirseses and the “Law of the fishes” on earth, ecology, fauna, there is little intelligence in hunting (stronger is mostly combinred with faster too). SEEING; clear and correctly the “images” is the most “phaenomelogical” INTTELLIGENCE Form (EMPIRSM is alike), the IMTATION of BEHAVIOUR and”Identfication” Psychic gives IMTATION of AFFECTS -SOCIALIZATION as a “social animal,” herd animal – of humans first (a”harlik” of imitating animal habits -fight-flight adrenalinic paradigamtically- “SHINE OF FALSE FREE WILL FREEDOM” instead of index sui TRUTH INTUITION -ertnally”odered”according to reasion). The THEORY;PERSPECTIVE;VIEWPOUNT of ETRNITY without physical PRESENCE oft OBJECT iwtzhjo imagination memeory too, is thr ERNAL INTTELRCT WIHOU IMGINATION; ablrto be kept ETERNALLY CONCIOUS (sat chi ananda in INDIA, ruh in SUFISM) – after death etrnally concious!! tHer IMGUBSATION thr memoryASOCATIO under fear and hope hiv th slavrxy of affects, due to WHOLMASS OF T EARTH gravtitaion una field present in evy atom incliding own body -te earth mass muc to much to big to be FELT “clearly”-felt as PRESSURE . giving LUST and PAIN. TOGERT wi IMTASION OF AFFECTS -by SEEING clearly IDEZFCATION (in mas media, TV, but real to) mixed to”desire machines” wi FEA and HOPE -aHAMkara, SLAVERY to the AFFECTS love (prefable) and hate(tpo savoii an a DESIRE machine habit) level (“tHFALS choice of the enemy is mor severe!”NIETZSCHE ought to be the THEOLOGICAL ANTHRPOMHISM ETERNALZATI of the VEILS OF MAYA by ANTHPOMPHISM of BRAHMA ALL²natur ALL²ah,MANITU where og ALL²knwledg and ALL²natr ar identified “MYSTC” withiu MYSTRY at #Spinoza DEMINDSM giving “Prophetic” INDEX TRUTH SUI of INFINITE INTELLECT (part being) ! AhAMKarais naf nmafs (commding self,ALIENATION too, wen “moneyalaround thor brains” as MEASURE for ALL “goods” su FAKIRSM MONEY FETSCHIM of Marx). ahAMkat is “yang” and AHAkarma, MahaAtmanKARMA is ETERNAL #SPINOZA PERSPECTIVE,”Intuition” too (infun intellect is a such “sudden absolute TRUTH” the the inetlelctula struggels am dtejh “abslute remedy a healing force of the infin intecllet “psychic field”). tO COMBINE t clesar SEEING with “Intuition” og full knowledge isbesmade by the neurogical plain palne asroun theyes, “third eye opening” (anja chakra rhymical nerve pulsing), temopral side lobes, the right backhead in thi plain plane, thr top of t back head(bindu cahkar), the tongue against the palte (kharchi mudra for lay chakra).THr trmportas sid lobes arenot includ in kUNDALKINI TANMTRsx and KIRYA YOGA(Patanjali – recommanded),but from #Spinoza neurobiolgist DAMASIO (#Spinoza effect). The VEILof GRAVITION for INFINTE INTELLRCT contrary to the EYES with corrects image seeing isa porf of eg infiunter intellecc by itself:the “EYES of the mind” from EVP23S fo th”viewpin o freasoin etrnity part of th mind. t AFDG DEATH CONCIOIUS BEING “candidate” “chance”- WHAT ALL RELIGION IS ALL SABOUT ALL OVER WORLD ALL THE TIME! For non relgious people it is AS REASON as “highest” MAJESTY”. | drhwenk

EnLIGHT²ment: #Spinoza ElectricalTurn: ETERNALY; THEORETICALLY MERGING WORLD CULTURE HERITAGE: MONISTC NATURALISTIC ABSOLUTE RATIONALISM: The inverse Square Law GRAVTAION (excvlusivly fot suns, celesatcial bodies MOVEMENTS) for LIGHT – could be seen!! as irredcible qualiy(double INDEX SUI TRUTH meaning!!) – ATTRIBUTES-modes expressining EXTESIONALLY (PhYSICally) and PSYCHICally in the PHOTONS!, Electrical magnetical POTETIAL FIELDS ist #Spinoza’s more gemerico for the infinite (“unbounded”) UNIVRERS vector FORCE FIELDS (i nt EUCLEUDAN VACUUM -JACOBI IDETOI fromLIE ALGEBRA “sophscated” matahaical up to:”no theoretical limits” ) .THE INFINTE INTELLCT – the ALL²knowledge of the ALL²nature(BRAHMAN; SAT), ONTOLOGY is a “PSYCHIC” unvisverum FIELD too8 no”intctin oft psyxvhic -extensinal fields -diffgentfrom morphogenertics FIELDs??!! – REPRESSED by GRAVATION as “VEILS OF MAYA” which is DARWINS pressure of SELERCTIOIN TOO; leading to NOT ELECTOchemical life FORCE – dead unvirseses and the “Law of the fishes” on earth, ecology, fauna, there is little intelligence in hunting (stronger is mostly combinred with faster too). SEEING; clear and correctly the “images” is the most “phaenomelogical” INTTELLIGENCE Form (EMPIRSM is alike), the IMTATION of BEHAVIOUR and”Identfication” Psychic gives IMTATION of AFFECTS -SOCIALIZATION as a “social animal,” herd animal – of humans first (a”harlik” of imitating animal habits -fight-flight adrenalinic paradigamtically- “SHINE OF FALSE FREE WILL FREEDOM” instead of index sui TRUTH INTUITION -ertnally”odered”according to reasion). The THEORY;PERSPECTIVE;VIEWPOUNT of ETRNITY without physical PRESENCE oft OBJECT iwtzhjo imagination memeory too, is thr ERNAL INTTELRCT WIHOU IMGINATION; ablrto be kept ETERNALLY CONCIOUS (sat chi ananda in INDIA, ruh in SUFISM) – after death etrnally concious!! tHer IMGUBSATION thr memoryASOCATIO under fear and hope hiv th slavrxy of affects, due to WHOLMASS OF T EARTH gravtitaion una field present in evy atom incliding own body -te earth mass muc to much to big to be FELT “clearly”-felt as PRESSURE . giving LUST and PAIN. TOGERT wi IMTASION OF AFFECTS -by SEEING clearly IDEZFCATION (in mas media, TV, but real to) mixed to”desire machines” wi FEA and HOPE -aHAMkara, SLAVERY to the AFFECTS love (prefable) and hate(tpo savoii an a DESIRE machine habit) level (“tHFALS choice of the enemy is mor severe!”NIETZSCHE ought to be the THEOLOGICAL ANTHRPOMHISM ETERNALZATI of the VEILS OF MAYA by ANTHPOMPHISM of BRAHMA ALL²natur ALL²ah,MANITU where og ALL²knwledg and ALL²natr ar identified “MYSTC” withiu MYSTRY at #Spinoza DEMINDSM giving “Prophetic” INDEX TRUTH SUI of INFINITE INTELLECT (part being) ! AhAMKarais naf nmafs (commding self,ALIENATION too, wen “moneyalaround thor brains” as MEASURE for ALL “goods” su FAKIRSM MONEY FETSCHIM of Marx). ahAMkat is “yang” and AHAkarma, MahaAtmanKARMA is ETERNAL #SPINOZA PERSPECTIVE,”Intuition” too (infun intellect is a such “sudden absolute TRUTH” the the inetlelctula struggels am dtejh “abslute remedy a healing force of the infin intecllet “psychic field”). tO COMBINE t clesar SEEING with “Intuition” og full knowledge isbesmade by the neurogical plain palne asroun theyes, “third eye opening” (anja chakra rhymical nerve pulsing), temopral side lobes, the right backhead in thi plain plane, thr top of t back head(bindu cahkar), the tongue against the palte (kharchi mudra for lay chakra).THr trmportas sid lobes arenot includ in kUNDALKINI TANMTRsx and KIRYA YOGA(Patanjali – recommanded),but from #Spinoza neurobiolgist DAMASIO (#Spinoza effect). The VEILof GRAVITION for INFINTE INTELLRCT contrary to the EYES with corrects image seeing isa porf of eg infiunter intellecc by itself:the “EYES of the mind” from EVP23S fo th”viewpin o freasoin etrnity part of th mind. t AFDG DEATH CONCIOIUS BEING “candidate” “chance”- WHAT ALL RELIGION IS ALL SABOUT ALL OVER WORLD ALL THE TIME! For non relgious people it is AS REASON as “highest” MAJESTY”. | drhwenk


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