GUattri#ds "AESTHETCAL TURN" , esprciall for PSYY-Prfessionals, in "CHAOSMOSE" is something like the "EDUCATION ROMAN" "ANSATZ of th SPinzisz Goethe and "EDUCATION PegRAM for th MANKIND" of th sPINZIDST LESSING:  Turning ASSICTION PSYCHOLGY of TIME anD PLACE into eTRNAL TRURH rELFGOUS CERTAINITY AND  GUIDABCE OF REASON of th AFFECTS,  where TANTRSex instead of Psychiatry is not STsdnf ONLY because of CHRISTAN CULTURE TRADITION. CHOS THOY a siuch give "Empirtic ASSOCATION PSYCHOLGY, from #Spinza which have been oveaken by Locke and Hume an succesor, leaving th bring paft og th infinite implicity all knwong inttellect of 'Spinza with toal DETERMINISM  even "personbally"- annigkltuib t mora giving free will. phiopg ar wquit sure tha the essteial vriant alrwady have worked ouit - surpringsly enoug they do bno use the workrd out iNFIAN SYTEMS , with same approach -asd ove 20 year Rulds ovr Indam Near andmIddle eeat! SO nidr balmed te Brtish a sbeing no philosphical by birtrt - a hifde polemc again t edeniia of "idersa by birth" too, t "tabula ras" thory of the Empirists.  


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