(154) Epica - Hellfest 2022 - @arteconcert - YouTube

(154) Epica - Hellfest 2022 - @arteconcert - YouTube

#Spinoza did that wit REAL KNOWLWDG OF T REAL ETRNAL LIFDE chances and iNTELLGENCE to enhance to aschieve this. „TheEYES of the mind“ plysa a role tehr. Wehabe a GRAVITY; MOLUCAULASR durvek „LOGIV of memory and sense preceptuiin imagination, and the abslute truth logig of reason more ge,erico a sin matajhmtcs and mor genral in every sciencce

as theory. TH fie is electrochmical and eletromewchncoca, usinf te molekular strucztre of the imagiantio too, whr PAIN and lUST is witzh gariczty pressure and forcsd, wgc react to garcit pressure. Seeing, whic is eletroomagnetical, has no or almost no friction as light, but gets lost with brain corpsetoo. THG RATUIN UNDTANDING then iswieely“build upon dseeinG“, tahts why in olf indi te ienllzctais wre caller drihis, rths who see inetctuallm seeer if et „abstract“ or ntectzai truth – whi si thsu a stehing eralky ar outsid thr intellect. Burning tr ecorpese (soemtimes even living people) as te cips is DIVIDING THE unITELLECTUAL „soul“ due to the IMGINATION MOLCULKAR binde PART“, which as largely bee absused to hel imagianation whre te idea of et sens perceptioon anf memory is hold forever. TH Imgaianti wit is pAIN andLUS sense PERCEPTIIN gec tOTALLY LOST afte death. SO TG AR NO ETRNAL PAINS as te THEOLGICIANS wanted!

THE structural ferench #Spinoza school, Matheron Moreaui Gueroult, gives the whole teaching – of Spinoza which is GEOphiloSOPCAL, vebasi of the well known panpsychism, PANTHEISM historical, and somapsychich „ansatz“. Hulin and Weltelesen and more developed that. Special questions a are answered in the vast academic #Spinoza literature. SPINOZA is a naturalist, like almosz all not christian culture- Spinoza , tackled man as „zoo politicon“ poltical ANIMAL; having a a cerbellum ama asocitiuve cortex/psychology , wheew SEX And FEAR of DEATH play the biggest role. Nowadys imaginationb is full of money association psychology. This should have been repaifre in the soviet union time, but french structuarlist school was marginalized ,and the „revisionism debate“, including Trotzkism is known to in thsi context.


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